March 7, 2014

Assignment 1 Correction

Hello everyone! 

          I've read your self-introduction. You all did a great job! I picked out ten (10) sentences you've written on your blog and I corrected some major errors which might be helpful for your English learning.

          If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me! I'd be glad to help!

         The red ones are your mistakes and the underlined words and sentences in bullets(>) are more appropriate usage. You can see which part of English you've misused in the parenthesis().

1.     My habit is reading novals, listening to music and watching movies.  (vocabulary and spelling)
> My hobbies are reading novels, listening to music and watching movies.

2.     I have been here 18 months. (grammar)
I have been here for 18 months.

3.     I think Taiwan was a great country, the people are good and the food was great. (tense)
I think Taiwan is a great country, as well as the people and food.

4.     Because my cheerful personality,I don't afraid to talk with foreigners(punctuation & grammar)
> Because of my cheerful personality, I am not afraid to talk with foreigners.

5.     I'm a twins, so i very like to chat with he. My habit is listen to music and play table tennis. Finally, i hope my English can be better by this subject. (grammar & vocabulary)
>  I have a twin brother and I always love chatting with him. My hobby is listening to music and play table tennis. Finally, I hope through this course, my English will have a big improvement.
 In Chinese, we say很喜歡 (very like), but in English, we say “like it a lot” or “like it very much.”

6.     I'm ____from the Department of Business Adiministration. (spelling)
>  I am studying at the Department of Business Administration.

7.     I'm a senior student in the Department of Information Management at National Taipei Business Univ.
>  I am a senior student major in Information Management at National Taipei College of Business.

8.     Let we work together. (pronoun usage)
>  Let us work together.

9.     My habits are singing,watching movies,and eating (vocabulary & punctuation)
>  My hobbies are singing, watching movies and eating.

10.  I believe study English is not a fearful matter. (tense)
>  I believe that studying English is not a fearful matter.


  1. 7. was wrote by me

    I'm wondering if our college really changed into university, is that a correct usage?


  2. Yes, from Auguest, our school will become National Taipei University of Business (NTUB).
